

Jun 14, 2013

Creation of ASP Posts in Division and filling up of vacant posts of HSG-I (IP Line) cadre

Click on Read More to view the letter written by G.S IP/ASP Association to Secretary Posts on the above subject matter.

No. CHQ/IPASP/HSG-I/2013                                               Dated :  12/6/2013 

Ms P. Gopinath,
Director General,  
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.  

Subject : Creation of ASP Posts in Division and filling up of vacant posts of HSG-I (IP Line) cadre. 

Respected Madam,  

          Your kind attention is invited towards this Associations letter even number dated 23/4/2013 wherein it was requested to issue instructions to all Circles to fill all the vacant post of HSG-I (IP Line) on the same analogy as given in the case of HSG-I General line vide Directorate Memo No. 04-44/2012-SPB.II dated 18th April, 2013. But till date no such orders have been issued to circles thereby further eroding the promotional prospects of Inspectors causing frustration amongst the Inspectors cadre.

          This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that re-designation of 141 posts of HSG-I (IP Line) was discussed in the meeting taken by the then Secretary (Posts) on 11/08/2011. It was mentioned in the minutes issued vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25th August 2011 that “The Association was explained that the post of HSG-I was not a promotional posts for IPOs and further HSG-I post is non gazetted whereas the post of ASPOs is gazetted. In the background of the above, the proposal could not be considered”. This Association has already requested to Directorate that, 141 posts of HSG-I (IP Line) may be re-designated as “Assistant Superintendent Posts” in order to differentiate between HSG-I (IP Line) officials and HSG-I (General Line) officials as there are no financial implications.

         Thereafter some Circles like Karnataka, TN, Chief PMsG have identified posts of HSG-I of IP Line for Postmaster Grade III in violation of the Directorate instructions. After intervention of members of the Association, TN Circle took action to maintain status quo but no reverse orders have been issued till date by Karnataka thereby disturbing the settled position.  The Association urges the Department to consider this issue and issue orders immediately that these 141 posts of IP Line remain in subordinate capacity uniformly in HSG-I for IP Line officials.

           It is well known truth that second Cadre Review proposal that has even presidential approval is lynching in the files of Directorate for the past 23 years. Due to non-implementation of Second CRC the promotion prospects of IP & ASP however have further deteriorated with a span for promotion to PS Gr. B extending up to 25 years.

While by some means the general line staff had managed to get upgradation of 1772 posts of HSG-II, HSG-I without any commensurate increase in responsibility. The Department has also taken care of the interest of the IPoS and they have derived the benefits of 5 periodical reviews and 6th one is at implementation stage. But the worst part of it is that the entire exercise was separately done for other cadres except IP/ASP, thus taking away the basic thrust for simultaneous career planning for all. 

Some of the measures proposed by the Department like creation of cluster, creation of inspection cells, re-organization of Sub Divisions with simultaneous up-gradation of some posts to PS Gr. B cadre to the extent necessary to match the recommendations of Cadre Review Committee have only met a slow death with the proposal ultimately relegated to the cold storage. No action to create posts of ASP (BD), ASP (PLI/RPLI), ASP (Tech), ASP (CBS), ASP (Insp) etc. in each division by redeploying the existing 141 HSG-I (IP Line) posts has even taken.

  It will be in the interests of things that the present cadre strength is maintained and any attempt to reduce the cadre strength at HSG-I level without taking into account the declining promotional avenues of the Inspectors cadre would be detrimental to the interests of this cadre.

           Presently filling all the posts of IPASP/HSG-I on the existing recruitment rules and till cadre review and redeployment of HSG-I posts as suggested above will not only provide relief to the stagnation-stricken cadres of the Department, but also will save a lot of time and energy of the authorities to defend the Department in unnecessary litigation on the issues pertaining to cadre and also save the Govt. expenditure.
            Hoping for favourable action and line in reply. 

            With warm regards,

Yours sincerely, 

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary


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