Copy of Directorate letter no F no 4-3/2012 – SPG dated 16.04.2012 addressed to all heads of Circles is reproduced below.
Sub : Empanelment of officers (JTS/STS/PS Group ‘B’) of Department of Posts to serve in Postal Directorate, Dak Bhavan.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject above and to state that all the Heads of Circle are here by requested to send the names of suitable officers in the grade of JTS/STS of Group A and PS Group B working in their circles who are interested to serve in Postal Directorate for not less than two years.These officers will be empaneled for posting in the Postal Directorate. The officers should also be informed that minimum tenure of posting in the Directorate will be of 2 years and during this period no request for reallotment will be considered from the officers except in exceptional cases.
Assistant Director General (SGP)
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