DO from Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM(MB)
D. O. No. 30-27/2013-D
Dated : 04-07-2013
This is regarding the booking,
dispatch and delivery of relief materials to Uttarakhand State by post without
charging postage.
2. As you are aware that the recent
floods and landslides in the State of Uttarakhand have led to massive damage to
the life and property and have rendered many people without a shelter. Relief
material such as clothes, blankets, woolens, utensils, edible items, medicines
is being sent by people across the country.
3. The matter of booking, dispatch and
delivery of relief material to Uttarakhand State by post without charging
postage was considered by the Department. It has been decided to collect the
relief material from the general public / institutions / agencies /NGO free of
postage and dispatch the same to Uttarakhand State as a goodwill gesture.
4. For booking of packages containing
relief material, special receipts may be got printed locally immediately with
the heading “Relief material for Uttarakhand flood victims” at the top of the
receipt. Receipts should be printed in duplicate with Sl. No. ‘0001 to 9999’
along with date. The Original copy may be handed over to the sender and the
carbon copy may be kept as office copy. Address of the addressee may be got
printed as “Senior Postmaster, Dehradun GPO-248001” and sufficient space may be
kept for writing name and address of the sender. Serial number of the receipt
and date of booking should be clearly and legibly written on the package and it
should be stamped with the name stamp of booking Head Office.
5. The packages of the relief material
so booked should be closed in a bag addressed to the Senior Postmaster, Dehradun
GPO-248001 and dispatched by surface mode i.e. Departmental MMS, contractual
MMS, RMS Sections, etc.
6. It is learnt that the Railways are
also dispatching relief material to Uttarakhand free of charge up to 09-07-2013.
The Railways may extend this date. You are requested to make full use of this
facility of Railways of free transmission to bond the efforts and Synergy of
Posts and Railways. In this context, you may ask your Region / Division to
contact the Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager of Divisional Railway Manager’s
office and collect the information as to which authority and where the relief
material is to be handed over. For free transmission by trains, relief material
should be addressed to the District Magistrate of the concerned district of
Uttarakhand State and handed over to the proper railway authority under
7. The relief material would be
accepted only in the Head Post Offices up to 20-07-2013. Detailed instructions
for booking, dispatch and delivery of relief material are enclosed.
8. Wide publicity may be given through
Press Release and through advertisement in local newspapers.
I would, therefore, request you
to kindly make necessary arrangements in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
(S K Sinha)
Instructions for Booking, Dispatch
and delivery of Relief Materials for Uttarakhand
The Relief material containing
clothes, blankets, woollens, medicines, tarpaulin, plastic sheets, Torch, long
shelf-life food etc. may be sent through the arrangements made by the Department
of Posts.
The material should be securely
packed by the sender and marked on top as “Relief material for Uttarkhand”.
Accordingly, the package should be addressed to “Senior Postmaster, Dehradun
GPO, Dehradun-248001 (Uttarakhand)”.
The facility to book the relief
material for the sender would be available at all Head Post Offices across the
The package containing relief
material can be accepted up to 35 Kg. of weight for a single package. The sender
would not be required to pay any postage for this purpose.
The facility for booking or providing
relief material at Head Post Offices would be provided with immediate effect and
up to 20th July, 2013.
It may be ensured by the Circles that
wide publicity is given to the initiative through the media. The public may also
be made aware that the relief material should not contain liquid, breakable
items or any other item prohibited for booking through post offices.
At every HO, a receipt book
containing receipts in duplicate and specially printed locally for booking of
packages of relief material may be kept in sufficient quantity.
The relief material would be sent in
direct bags closed for Dehradun GPO and routed through surface mode. Wherever
the Railways are dispatching relief material to Uttarakhand State free of
charge, the bags containing packages of relief material should be addressed to
the District Magistrate of the concerned district in Uttarkhand State.
The relief material transmitted
through postal channel would be delivered by the Senior Postmaster, Dehradun GPO
to ‘Centre for Collection & Distribution of Relief Material, Maharana Pratap
Sports College, Raipur Road, Dehradun’ set up by Uttarakhand State Government
under clear receipt. Special delivery slip containing the details of the
packages of relief material i.e. Name of head office of booking, serial number
of the package, date of booking and weight may be prepared for
CGM -Mail Business
Business Development & Operations Division
Department of
Ministry of Communication & Information Technolgy
Government of
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi 110001
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